Ministerial Orientation
This course provides the student with spiritual and practical information to effectively deliver edifying sermons under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The first sessions deal with the preacher, pulpit etiquette, how to consistently preach with anointing, perspectives on such things as humor in the pulpit, and various do’s and don’ts. In the first semester the student learns the various types of sermons: textual, expository, topical, alliteration, biographical, and six others. Subsequently, he learns various types of sermon outlines and their respective parts, and he receives training in each area. Finally, he learns by writing outlined sermons for several different types of audiences. In the second semester, the student learns by preaching and by evaluating other students’ messages on a scale tailored for such analysis.

A course on efficient utilization of source material and how to express one’s findings in good form. Special emphasis is on the formal research paper.

This challenging and valuable course is designed for experienced students who wish to fine tune their Bible research abilities. The instructor explains not only advanced research principles, but also how to use highly specialized research tools that are beyond the ability of the average student. Students learn to use each source to its fullest potential and are trained by weekly assignments to tap the vast wealth of information and research aids commonly overlooked by those who fail to exhaust the available reference works. Students receive individual assistance from the instructor.

A concise but power-packed defense of the inerrancy of the Bible, clearly establishing that the Scriptures are inspired. Many irrefutable proofs are given from fulfilled prophecy, history, archaeology, scientific proofs, and spiritual experience. A highlight of the course is the application of the laws of mathematical probability that fulfilled Bible prophecy could have been predicted by the prophets without employing the foreknowledge of God. These estimates are collected from the students for each aspect of each prophecy, then calculated (continued) to show the utter impossibility of the Bible being the work of man. The common views of inspiration are each defined, and quotations from authors promoting these views are discussed. The instructor refutes a sampling of characteristic arguments advanced by modem scholars who promulgate a partial inspiration of the Scriptures. The course includes a brief explanation of the formation of the Old and New Testament canon and a summary of Apocryphal literature and why it must never be canonized. Students already thoroughly convinced by the inspiration of Scripture, come from the class exuberant about the deep work this class has done in their hearts in the realms of confidence in God’s promises and their added ability to witness effectively.

An introduction to the basic principles of logic, emphasizing their application to theology. The student learns how to recognize both formal and informal fallacies in reasoning and how to avoid them in his own thinking. The course is of practical value not only in judging the validity of theological arguments, but in one’s daily decisions as well. This class has been highly acclaimed as “a must” by many students who have taken it.

A practical Bible course designed to inspire the student to greater faith and produce noticeable results in his ministry to others. Aspects of faith covered include: the Biblical definition of faith, examples of faith in operation, how to increase one’s faith, what hinders faith, and steps to walking in continuous faith. Smith Wigglesworth’s book, Ever Increasing Faith, is required reading. As to healing, topics include: God’s promise to heal, the covenant of healing, proof that sickness is not from God, the question of whether it is always God’s will to heal, healing’s inseparable union with the Gospel, the role of sin and the devil in sickness and healing, balanced principles regarding human medical care, reasons why some are not healed, healing and faith, and how to pray for the sick.